Lack of interest [Developer Tool] Text / URL structure for alerts, independent of templates

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DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
At the moment, if you wish to add support for 3rd party push notification services like OneSignal, developers are forced to either hard-code support for only the built-in XF2 notifications, or manually render the alert template and strip HTML.

Both of these options are sub-optimal. Hard-coding support obviously leaves all 3rd party alerts out, and manually rendering the template leads to having to grab the content URL based on the fauxBlockLink-blockLink CSS class.

For that reason, I propose a new (optional) method be added to AbstractHandler; public function renderAlertInfo(UserAlert $alert, Entity $content = null)
The return signature should be an array, consisting of url and alert_text so that the correct data could be fed to the 3rd party push notification service (or whatever other use cases).

This would be a great boon to the "push notifications for everyone" cause :)

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