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Chargify.com recurring billing, subscription mod for paid members? Do You Think It's Too Hard To Do?


Well-known member
I'm using Xenforo to run a private members-only site and would like to use Chargify.com to handle all of our recurring billing and dunning management (that's bounced credit cards, expiration dates etc.).

Xenforo currently only offers paypal payments, but it is too limiting and we need a more comprehensive soultion like Chargify. Chargify allows you to use Authorize.net as well as many other merchant account providers.

How difficult would it be to create a mod that would interact with Chargify's API and restrict access to the site if the card bounces, expires or a member simply cancels their membership?

I would also like members to be able to fill out the Xenforo registration information at the same time so that when they order access through Chargify their Xenforo account is automatically created for them.

More info here, API: http://docs.chargify.com/api-introduction

Main site: http://www.chargify.com

I am not a programmer, so am just wondering how difficult this would be to create. What do you think?
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