XF 2.1 Can't login to admin area after upgrade



I upgraded forum 1.5 to 2.1.9 in my test site folder, and I can no longer log in to the admin area. I can log in to the front end fine.

It does not show any error messages. It just refreshes and shows the login screen again.

I was able to log in right after the upgrade just fine.

Today after going back to work with the site I no longer can.

The only thing I've done to the site between now and then is upload the js and style folders from ui.x to the test site root.

Any ideas on resolving?
Thank you mcatze. Your suggestion got me looking closer at my config file while testing the cookie settings.

It looks like it was actually related to Cloudflare integration though. I thought my resolution might help others searching.

I don't even remember adding this to my original, but comparing my main site config file I found this code below that wasn't included in the test site config.


Once added, it looks to be working.
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