XF 2.0 cannot figure out permissions for my situation (and I studied hard...)


hi guys,

ex vb guy struggling with xen permissions after a lot of studying how they should be set up....

I am clear on the concept, use registered as main group with basic permissions and add additional permissions with secondary groups.

Here is my specific situation, with vb I had tools to duplicate permissions and was not bad to set up, I am struggling with the new system, I am sure there is a way, I just cannot see it right now...

I use the forum for my online trainings, I have 2 trainings, 4 modules in one training and 6 modules in the other. People pay monthly and the permissions/access to the modules need to open up one module each month. I use amember as the subscription managing script, amember can set main group (registered group) and one or more secondary groups when the subscription gets activated the first month. For the following months, the subscription gets automatically renewed by amember, so no changes from amember to xenforo unless the subscription is cancelled or expired (in which case primary user group gets set to unregistered and secondary groups are removed so no access to the forums).

The forums structure is the following:

News and announcement
Course 1
-module 1
-module 2
-module 3
-module 4
Course 2

each module of each course has its course as the parent, so news and announcements, course 1 and course 2 are categories.

So I created 4 secondary groups (one per module) for course 1 and 6 secondary groups (again one per module) for course 2.

It immediately got confusing because initially I called the nodes and groups the same name, like corso1-module 1 for both node and user group... so I at least changed the name of the groups adding a G in front to it, so G-corso1-module 1 identifies a user Group as oppose to a node...

The registered group gets access to the news and announcement and that's it.

When a user signs up, they get assigned to the registered group as primary group and they also get the first module of the training they signed up for as a secondary group.

The intention is to then promote the user to the following modules/groups using the group promotions every 30 days.

So as far as permissions, I have done:

news and announcement ----> registered group
Course 1 ------> course 1 module 1 user group (G-course1-module1)
-module 1 ------> inherit from above
-module 2 ------> here I get confused because I need to remove permissions to Group module 1 and then add permission to G-module2. Is this correct?
-module 3 ------> I would need to keep going, denying access to node module 3 for Group module 1, then add module 3 access to Group module 3 user group
-module 4 ------> etc etc...

is this correct or there is something I am missing?

Maybe I need to start from the last module and work my way backwards removing permissions as I get to the lower module user groups? That would be the opposite of incrementally adding permissions...

I am confused and I hope I explained it good enough, I have thinking about this for a while...

Anybody else had a similar problem?

thanks a lot.
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