But Guests Can See Customer Forums too!

⭐ Alex ⭐

Well-known member
I thought we weren't allowed to show internal product information and code in the "Public" forums such as pre sales questions.

But as a guest I can fully browser bug reports, and all the customer forums here on xenforo.com/community so anyone can see code and fixes posted in bug reports anyways.

I recently had a comment deleted in pre sales questions because it showed internal xenforo stuff.

Ah no that’s not quite the right way round.

Everyone who posts in a customer forum is a customer and therefore providing support and giving code examples is absolutely what they are there for.

Yes they are visible to guests but that’s not really an issue, and of course helps people find stuff via search engines.

However, pre-sales questions, bug reports, and a few other places can be posted in by non-customers. Providing support outside of the customer forums and sharing code examples (unless useful for debugging purposes in the case of bugs) is not permitted because non-customers can post in there and they are not entitled to support.

Customers essentially pay for the support they receive here so we don’t want people who are not customers to receive support they are not entitled to. This sometimes means we delete posts in these areas.
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