Better Blogs [Deleted]


got your great better blogs addon premium.

Have one question?

Where is/or do you have an option to import rss feeds from 3rd parties to blog categories? So the blog will show these posts?

I try import my vB4.2.2 Blog in Xenforo 1.2.5 but I get an error table blog_attachment doesn't exist. There is no table with this name in vB blog database ;)
Rigel Kentaurus updated Better Blogs with a new update entry:

1.0.35 Bug Fixes

  • Scheduled posts now use XenForo 1.2 deferred system, which means they are published exactly on the requested date, rather than every 15 minutes
Bug Fixes
  • Permissions on the Home Page were tweaked. There was an edge case in which if too many members mark their entries as private, the home page would be empty
  • Unified permission checking...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Rigel Kentaurus:

I have imported blogs from vBulletin (4.x). All blog posts in vB4 with attachments that attachments are not copied at the better blog import process. Can I correct this and if so, how?
If you purchase the add-on and for any reason are unable to import your vb4 blogs, send a conversation my way and I'll refund your purchase.
Please refund my purchase ! I can't sent a PM!
I try import my clean vB4.2.2 Blog in Xenforo 1.2.5 but I get an error table blog_attachment doesn't exist. There is no table with this name in vB blog database.
Please refund my purchase ! I can't sent a PM!
I try import my clean vB4.2.2 Blog in Xenforo 1.2.5 but I get an error table blog_attachment doesn't exist. There is no table with this name in vB blog database.
Can't you just skip the import attachments step if you don't have them in your installation. It is a while since I used vB but blogs do have attachments. If the rest of the steps succedded most likely you have the table prefix right.
Thanks for your support Rigel :)
I have skip the import attachments step, and found out that the missing attachments are in vB albums.
I try import my clean vB4.2.2 Blog in Xenforo 1.2.5 but I get an error table blog_attachment doesn't exist. There is no table with this name in vB blog database.

Yes, the import code is buggy ...

        $attachments = $sDb->fetchAll($sDb->limit("
                SELECT attachmentid, userid, dateline, filename, counter, blogid
                FROM " . $prefix . "blog_attachment
                WHERE attachmentid > " . $sDb->quote($start) . "
                    AND visible = 'visible'
                ORDER BY attachmentid
            ", $options['limit']

The table blog_attachment is not exists, the right name is $prefix . "attachment" (without "blog_"). And, blog attachments have the contenttypeid = 15 (posts =1, albums=8).

@Rigel Kentaurus : please fix the vb import and let us import only the attachments again ...
@Rigel Kentaurus the blog pages are not including the opengraph meta property within. Eg .....
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="Netrider - connecting riders!" />
       <meta property="og:image" content="" />
    <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
    <meta property="og:url" content="" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to Netrider" />
    <meta property="fb:app_id" content="149725691312" />
    <meta property="fb:admins" content="645177999" />

... which I presume comes from an including the open_graph_meta template when publishing blog pages.
Could this be corrected and included in the next release please?
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