Better Blogs [Deleted]

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@jauburn - I don't know if others know something about where the guy has gone but I have had zero response on anything. I am beginning to wonder if it is abandoned, hoping he is just away on holidays or something and will come back with a flurry as I will admit it is probably less than 2 weeks since I started asked a few things but have had zero response.
@skicomau Rigel still visits the forum daily but does not particpate. He did mention in advance that he was going to be absent for a long while. I just hope that we will see him back in full force.
OK, I haven't read all 58 pages here but have read quite a bit of it, didn't see him say he would be absent.

I do think it is unfortunate however that a simple question like "you advertise in your features global rss but I can't find it anywhere" doesn't even get a one line answer such as "you can find it by ......" or "oh no, I never got that feature finished even though I advertise it as part of the product".

If it were a free ad-on I would understand but for a paid one (and not like a real cheapie either) I think it is pretty poor. Overall the product is pretty good but there were errors on install that I can't resolve and features he lists that don't seem to exist. Pretty poor IMO.
Well, he is out 50 dollars from me right now. I was about to buy this for a vB4 conversion but will just wait a bit longer to see what happens.
@xIsabel38 you got my attention.

Thou shall note use base64 code in thy blog style.

Error Info
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Data too long for column 'value' at row 1 - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
Generated By: Isabel, Wednesday at 2:52 AM
Stack Trace

#0 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
#1 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
#2 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/Model/Css.php(108): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('????INSERT INTO...', Array)
#3 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XfAddOns/Blogs/ControllerPublic/BlogCustomize.php(114): XfAddOns_Blogs_Model_Css->insertOrReplaceCss(10113, '#content .pageC...', 'background-imag...', 'data:image/jpeg...')
#4 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XfAddOns_Blogs_ControllerPublic_BlogCustomize->actionUpdateCss()
#5 /home/www/public_html/forums/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /home/www/public_html/forums/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}
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@Rigel Kentaurus When you return to supporting your addon, please add the function to show new blogs in 'new posts'. Here is how it's done:
Xen Media Gallery does this.

You need to extend the controller, add the PHP code for the tab, create a template, and write a load of code to fetch the newest content.

It's not difficult for an add on developer to do.
It's a small feature that makes a world of difference. Without it users will not encounter new blog content. Therefore most users ignore the blog. With this function most users see new blog content and start replying to it. We all need it.
@Rigel Kentaurus When you return to supporting your addon, please add the function to show new blogs in 'new posts'. Here is how it's done:

It's a small feature that makes a world of difference. Without it users will not encounter new blog content. Therefore most users ignore the blog. With this function most users see new blog content and start replying to it. We all need it.

That actually sounds like it would only add an extra menu-function, like "New blog posts". I'd prefer having blog posts literally show up in "New posts" instead. Or perhaps add the ability to do both; "New posts" would include new blog post entries, and there'd be an extra menu option to only find "New blog posts" or "New blog comments".

* Please add new blog entries so they show up when users click "New posts".
* Better routing. We'd like to replace xfa-blog with simply "blogs". However, the default URL syntax is "xfa-blog-home", "xfa-blog-watched", etc. Please change this to something like "xfa-blogs/home", "xfa-blogs/watched" so changing the route will be easy :)

* In "All Blogs", please also show the view count for blogs. Perhaps even add sorting there, based on view-count and comment-count to make it easy to spot popular blogs.
* When viewing a specific blog, please add sorting functionality there, too? "Publish date", "View count", "Comment count" spring to mind.

* Please add new blog entries so they show up when users click "New posts".
* Better routing. We'd like to replace xfa-blog with simply "blogs". However, the default URL syntax is "xfa-blog-home", "xfa-blog-watched", etc. Please change this to something like "xfa-blogs/home", "xfa-blogs/watched" so changing the route will be easy :)

* In "All Blogs", please also show the view count for blogs. Perhaps even add sorting there, based on view-count and comment-count to make it easy to spot popular blogs.
* When viewing a specific blog, please add sorting functionality there, too? "Publish date", "View count", "Comment count" spring to mind.
Dear Developer,

As an update (in the event you need or require these records) I have purchased an Add-on from you possibly under the domain name, This serves to inform you that I have updated this domain and the Add-on should now instead be associated with If there are further steps I should take on your respective site in order to update this information, or if you require a validation token please advise.


-Couldn't send you a PM
Some other requests:

* The ability for a blog owner to determine whether the entries by default are sorted from newest to oldest, or the other way around (The above mentioned sort buttons could be used to change the order in case the reader has a different preference).
* The ability for a blog owner to determine whether or not readers can comment or not on their blog.
* An alert balloon on the Blogs tab showing the amount of unread blogs for the currently signed in user would be a really great way to draw attention to the blogs
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@Rigel Kentaurus
I'm beginning to wonder if this addon is dead & abandoned? Your support website has been flooded with spam for many months now. You still visit here, but do not answer and your profile is blocked. You were supposed to return, but it appears that you are not returning?
What will happen after XF 1.3 is released? Will there be a Better Blogs update or will it stop working?
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