Best way to migrate from IPB


Hi, we are still on IPB 3.4 and I'm looking for an advice what is the best way to migrate to XF. Particulary we are waiting for XF 3, but could start the migration process earlier. We need to save as much forum data as possible.

Do we need to find a dev with a custom importer script for a complete migration or the standart XF importer is enough?

What data will be lost in any case due to incompatibilities?

Which way is better in terms of saving data:
IPB 3 => IPS 4 => XF 2
IPB 3 => XF 1.5 => XF 2

Our importer will import from 4.x so if you can upgrade to that version you can just go that route.

All standard content will be imported, such as members, forums, threads, posts, etc.
Hi, we are still on IPB 3.4 and I'm looking for an advice what is the best way to migrate to XF. Particulary we are waiting for XF 3, but could start the migration process earlier. We need to save as much forum data as possible.

Do we need to find a dev with a custom importer script for a complete migration or the standart XF importer is enough?

What data will be lost in any case due to incompatibilities?

Which way is better in terms of saving data:
IPB 3 => IPS 4 => XF 2
IPB 3 => XF 1.5 => XF 2

@Slavik knows how to do this. Ask him. Otherwise do what paul b just suggested.
Our importer will import from 4.x so if you can upgrade to that version you can just go that route.

All standard content will be imported, such as members, forums, threads, posts, etc.
Hi Paul, I noticed that the IPB -> IPS -> XF route requres to convert our database to utf8mb4, but we'd like to stay with utf8_general. Does XenForo require utf8mb4?
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