Before I buy, how do I change the font?


New member
Since the number one thing people do on a forum is read, I'm expecting an easy way to customize the font. Yet, after several minutes of using the xF demo, I have no clue.

I could work with the CSS directly, but for $140 I was hoping this would be a bit easier. This georgia serif font is a loser, and I would need it changed to arial, sans-serif.

I searched but could not find an answer. Can anyone provide directions? Thanks!
Right, I never used the semi-colon. I only used it in an earlier post when listing a few ways I tried.

I tried again with Arial, sans-serif - but it won't change the font that I am now typing and you are now reading.

OHHHHHH I see, you want to change the default post font...

in that style properties need to go to

'message elements' -> 'message text'
and edit that font there...(since that is specified there it takes precedence over what you set in a parent element)
I found it right away once I read - 'message elements' -> 'message text'. Didn't need the screen print. Changed it in a second and now it works. Thank you!
No problem there man. (I just added figuring if anyone else had the same question the image might help to answer it before they had to start a new thread)

The whole thing is pretty intuitive the way it is setup, once you get used to the way xf divides up on the style properties you will find it makes things really quick. However since you know your way around css, I do recommend playing around with adding styling to the EXTRA.css template.

Most of the stuff most people always change due to preference is covered by the style properties but there are many cases where you want to get very specific and that is the easiest way to go...and when you update xf that template does not get rewritten at all so no matter what, anything you put there will be there until you delete it.

If you get to messing with any of the templates and want to quickly undo things and try something else you can always revert a template back to it's default state as is written in the same template but in the master style (which you can't see unless you are in debug mode.)

Once you have those few things in mind...modding xf is a breeze and fun.
Font-family is controlled via 3 main areas(off the top of my head).

Body font, message text(as you just now found out :D), and buttons.

The default style comes with 3 different fonts on those elements.
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