XF 2.0 Approval queue - Stop Forum Spam


Well-known member
I had a new registrant this evening which came up in the Moderators Approval Queue because the details matched 8 points in the Stop Forum Spam...


Now the question is what is the correct way of blocking this user registration?

Do nothing - I presume the alert will still show in the Approval Queue for ever more
Approve - Nope don't want to approve it
Reject with rejection reason - but the user will not be deleted, just rejected?

Would it not be better to be able to ban the registrant or delete them?
If you delete them, they’re likely to re-register. Maybe even with the same username and email address.

If you’d prefer to ban them you can click their username, go into the member tooltip menu and spam clean them.

You can delete them if you wish but it would be a manual process.

You could periodically delete rejected members by manually running the Batch update users tool in the Admin CP
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