XF 2.0 Advert inside post X on a page


Active member
In XF1 we have a couple of templates that use a conditional to place an advert inside selected posts on the page (depending on how many posts are on that page):

<xen:if is="{$post.position} % {$xenOptions.messagesPerPage} == 1 AND {$thread.reply_count} > 0 AND !{$visitor.user_id}">

Looking at XF2 resources I have re-worked the conditional (is this correct?):

<xf:if is="$post.position % $xf.options.messagesPerPage == 1 AND $thread.reply_count > 0">

With the absence of the message template (where we placed the XF1 call to the custom ad template with the conditional), I've placed it in an advert that uses the position Post: Below message content and only displays to unregistered visitors - however it is not appearing.

What am I doing wrong?
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