XF 2.1 Add Advertisement is throwing a JS error


Well-known member
...with a proper Propeller Ads js code.
This code is copy and pasted directly from PA.
You can see the code in the sensitive data section in ticket XF-8147E28C
Often errors when saving ad code is caused by a browser extension blocking the ad code.

In this case if it says there is a syntax error, then the code you're entering has a syntax error and you will need to verify it is correct with the provider.
Here is the error when attempting to save:

An error occurred while compiling advertisement HTML: Line 1: Syntax error

So you think this is on Propeller Ads?
It's hard to say, exactly.

After all, it's a huge piece of code. It's 53KB and it's minified so I'm not really in a position to be able to audit it.

It's possible that it there is something about it which is tripping up our template compilation which is possible if it contains characters which make it look like it is our template syntax or if it's badly formed.

If you can't use it through the advertising system, you might have to find some other way, or use a different provider for your ads.

It's way beyond the scope of support, unfortunately.
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