A Few Questions


New member
Hello, everyone. I'm a former vBulletin user, and I'm interested in purchasing a Xenforo license if the software meets my needs.

First, I created a demo, and have no problem posting or creating threads, but is there a way to access the demo Admin panel, to see what customization options are available? I can't seem to find any sort of Admin panel link in the demo.

Second, vBulletin used to have a printthread.php script that was customizable. I need to be able to bring up a printable version of each thread (we do collaborative writing, and the thread forms part of a story, of sorts), and I need to be able to customize it to get rid of any post headers for easy copy/paste to a document file once the thread is finished (kind of like ending a chapter). Does Xenforo have a customizable php file that can do what I'm describing?

Third, vBulletin used to allow image uploads inside a post (and I see that Xenforo does this nicely), and it also allowed me to set the maximum file size and dimensions in the Admin panel (e.g. no larger than 2MB, and no larger than 500 x 500 pixels), and automatically resize the image (e.g. if someone uploaded an image that was larger than the defined dimension maximums, VB would reduce the file to fit within the defined parameters). Does Xenforo have this capability?

The admin log in link is top left - you need to be logged in to see it, or replace index.php with admin.php.

There is no print thread equivalent.

XF automatically resizes images based on the ACP settings.
Thanks for the quick response.

Is there a reason there's no printable view of the thread? Many other fora do include this option. If there's no way to make that happen, then Xenforo won't work for me, unfortunately. :(
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