[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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i've upgraded to XenForo 1.2, updated to 1.6 of XenPorta, uploaded the Recent Features block again. Unfortunately, the block looks like this. Can anyone help me out, please? :)


my version is 1.1.5 due to the theme hasnt been updated for 1.2 xP
please help ASAP!
your right! it is xenporta :( but ive tried all the latest versions, and i still get the same problem.
is there any Required add-ons for xenporta to work?

No. It is working fine on my 1.2.2 install - it's likely it changed for xF 1.2 and lost compatibility with older versions.
your right! it is xenporta :( but ive tried all the latest versions, and i still get the same problem.
is there any Required add-ons for xenporta to work?

Try the version of XenPorta prior to it being updated for 1.2 to see if that resolves things.
Reactive YouTube videos in portal on mobile? All of the YouTube embeds on the portal are the standard 500x300. Inside the article they're scaled properly. On the portal they're larger and makes the portal not really mobile friendly because you can scroll far right.
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