******* - Store Framework [Deleted]

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******* updated ******* - Store Framework with a new update entry:

15/01/2014: Version 1.2.1

- Fixed error when delete transaction log.
- Money type in transaction list now display with phrase.
- Changed for permission products (Permission, IntPermission, ChangeUserName, ChangeUserTitle ...). Users can't purchase product if they have already had permission.
- Changed after purchased product will redirect to purchased or gifted page.

Read the rest of this update entry...
is there a way you can make it so we can enable what usergroups can see what categories?
Like the resource addon, I have made it so there is a "premium resources" category that only people who are premium can see and use.

I want something similar for the store for certain products to be for premium users only. hiding the URL wont cut it because if the url gets out, then theres no real point in hiding the url to begin with.
I am using the 1.2.1 version (latest) and still getting...

Create New Product
Sorry, you must install Store Product Addon to get Product Type

how to fix or please fix

Could you please tell us more informations about your digital services and game items?


It's actually pretty simple. I want to be able to create simple "placemark" products in the store, my users will be able to buy those "placemark" products using credits and they will be able to donate for credits (already bought the credits payment via paypal module).

Is that possible? I don't require any automated action like username changing and similar, just a simple placemark in my store!
Thank you ******* - is that only compatible with Credits Premium? I'm currently using the Lite version... but will pay for this user upgrade add-on... Please let me know. Thanks
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