user permissions

  1. R

    Moderator Filter Threads 1.0.2

    Features: Filter threads by thread status visible, moderated, deleted Set permissions for moderated and/or deleted Set permissions for all or specific forums Very helpful, when mods soft delete and admin hard delete threads. You can try this add-on here:
  2. R

    XF 2.1 Can I limit the number of threads per user and forum?

    In one of our sub forums, users can keep a kind of diary. I would like to set the permissions for the forum so that each user can only create a single thread. The restriction for one thread per user should only apply to this forum. Does anyone have an idea how I could implement this?
  3. Chernabog

    XF 2.0 Users with permissions set (both global and node) ...can they be 'unset?"

    Okay so I was a late learner on how to properly utilize XF user group and node permissions. Even though it makes perfect sense now. I am trying as part of my tidy up the backend goal go back through and properly set up my secondary user groups and staff groups ... as well as clean up my...
  4. R

    User permissions, restrict image access

    I wonder if it is possible to restrict image access for both visitors and newly registered users? Refers to images uploaded via the forum and not any linked images. I want to give users different permissions based on how many posts they've made and/or how long they have been registered. Is it...
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