permission groups

  1. T

    XF 2.2 Having two user groups for same user but with different permissions

    I'm running into a bit of difficulty when it comes to node permissions. Let's say I have a user and their secondary groups consist of subscriber and registered. Now I have a node where I set the view permission to yes for the subscriber and no for the registered. The problem is the user can not...
  2. ritesh

    XF 2.2 Is it okay to tick "YES" in all Administrator and Moderator permissions?

    I was having an issue with a node not letting me post. So I ticked "YES" in all Administrator and Moderator permissions. I tried to read every permission carefully at first, but then I got tired when nothing worked, and I ticked them all yes. Later I realized that the problem was with this...
  3. E

    XF 2.1 Can't override permission

    hello please help me I can't override the permission of the primary groups by the secondary group I tried the option never in primary group and option yes in the secondary group.
  4. BassMan

    [cXF] Remove username link 1.1.2

    Description: This add-on removes (unlink) username link and avatar link on various forum locations based on user group permissions. Features: remove (unlink) username link and avatar link set permissions for user groups locations where username link and avatar link is removed: forum list...
  5. Chernabog

    Lack of interest User Group Categories -> Allow for sorting your user permission groups under category headings

    For someone, anyone, who uses a lot of user group permissions esepcially as a way to give banners to members (e.g. purchased a product, supports a product, has a perm or temp position, etc.) the user groups listing gets very messy. If we were able to add categories that we could then drop...
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