
  1. G

    XF 1.5 Open Graph Image : First Post attachment or Image link

    Hello ! I'm trying to find something that add in the og:image the first image attachment in the post. Or the first image linked. How can I do that please ? I found something from Jake Bunce here ...
  2. XFA

    [XFA] Thread Management Automation 1.1.1a

    Description With Thread Automation, it's time for you and your moderators to spend some free time doing something else than performing actions on important threads ! When creating a thread, you will now be able to decide when and during how long the thread will be in a certain state thus...
  3. TickTackk

    Lack of interest Video search schema and open graph tags support

    It would be nice to add support for open graph video tags or (and?) for Videos. Adding support for video search would be beneficial for seo purposes I guess.
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