display order

  1. Kruzya

    Lack of interest Show elements display order on pages with selecting parent element everywhere

    If you're developing add-ons, you can see display order, for example, in ACP → Development → Admin navigation: This is very helpful feature when you adding any elements, for adding in right position without the need to resort. I request implementing similar feature for nodes editing/adding and...
  2. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Payment Profile Order 2.0.1

    Set display order for payment profiles PS: Reorders user upgrade payment methods too (was hardcoded in XF template)
  3. clackey

    Duplicate Widgets Not Accepting a Display Order

    Can't seen to enter a display order for the Public: Sidebar bottom widget. Won't allow me to enter a number and +/- doesn't do anything. Actually, seems like all of the positions on the right column have the same issue.
  4. XxUnkn0wnxX

    XF 1.5 Change post display order?

    i know this has been asked before but i cannot find the answer via search and i think i lost the link. anyway i don't remember but was there a way or an option to change the order the posts get displayed as? as in the original content author, their post is usually 1st when you open their...
  5. Apodictive

    XF 1.5 Does the node display order matter?

    I am currently setting up my forum and was wondering if there are any issues with setting the display order or the nodes in increments of 10? I am doing this to leave room for future node additions that I would want to place between two existing nodes, I just want to make sure that there are...
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