custom node icon

  1. NandorHUN

    XF 2.2 Is there a way to use custom icon (not FA) for Search forums via extra.less or add-on?

    Hi Guys! Is there any way to set up a custom icon for search forums via extra.less modification or add-on? I used an add-on, works fine, but it doesnt support search forums... so I have to find an another solution. Thanks for the help a lot!! :)
  2. chaot3ch

    XF 2.0 Using custom icons for node icons

    Hey everyone, was having trouble finding out how to do this yesterday but I figured it out and figured I would post it here in case anyone else was having issues. // Removes the default icon .node--forum .node-icon i:before{display: none;} // Sets the new default unread icon of the forums...
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