vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed

Unmaintained vB 3.x - Fluid & Fixed 1.4.4

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- Bug fixes for 1.4.4
- vB styled submit buttons added (quick reply etc.)
- Media Gallery support added

Schermafbeelding 2015-01-18 om 17.43.48.webp
Support added for multi-quote.

Schermafbeelding 2014-03-25 om 14.38.09.webp
Known bugs have been fixed and the style is considered ready for use on a live production site.

Also a fixed version has been added, which needs to be installed as a child style of the fluid style.
This update includes a bug fix for message & discussion inline moderation selection (messages and discussions now turn yellow when selected). Also added more styling including for the preview tooltip.

Next release will probably be stable unless some major bug is found.
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Reactions: Robert F Schmitz
Message / postbit buttons now added.

To keep the hyperlinks (remove the message / postbit buttons) you can remove the following part from EXTRA.css:

/* -------------------------- */
/* vB 3.x thread buttons */

.messageMeta a.report, .messageMeta a.like, .messageMeta a.unlike, .messageMeta a.reply, .messageMeta a.edit, .messageMeta a.history, .messageMeta a.delete, .messageMeta a.ip, .messageMeta a.viewWarning, .messageMeta a.warn {background:#4b6ca6 url('@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/form-button-white-25px.png') repeat-x center -6px !important; border-radius:9px !important; line-height:18px !important; height:19px !important; font-weight:bold !important; font-size:8pt !important; font-family:verdana, sans-serif !important; color:#fff !important; padding:0 8px !important; text-shadow:0 0 2px #000 !important}
.messageMeta a:hover.report, .messageMeta a:hover.like, .messageMeta a:hover.unlike, .messageMeta a:hover.reply, .messageMeta a:hover.edit, .messageMeta a:hover.history, .messageMeta a:hover.delete, .messageMeta a:hover.ip, .messageMeta a:hover.viewWarning, .messageMeta a:hover.warn {text-decoration:none !important}

/* -------------------------- */

Two other minor bugs were also fixed.


  • 9_message_buttons.webp
    83.3 KB · Views: 87
Bug related to sub-forums layout fixed.

Added some styling including for warning notices.
* Added support for Responsive Design.
* Fixed some bugs.
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