Stop AutoLinking Patch (NO MORE SUPPORTED)

Unmaintained Stop AutoLinking Patch (NO MORE SUPPORTED) 0.91

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2012/04/11 version 0.6.2 released
=>Formated url in tag option now works.
=>To upgrade from 0.6 version just upload files
=>To upgrade from 0.5 version upload files and import xml file
2012/04/10 version 0.6.1 released
=>The stop autolinking is now working with the preview of a reply post (not just edit post)... I had forgotten this one.
=>To upgrade just upload files

Sorry for those who have just installed the 0.6 version. To upgrade, just upload files on server.
2012/04/10 version 0.6 released
  • The stop autolinking is now working with the preview of a futur new thread
  • The code has been corrected to make "stop autolinking" works in more cases (tag using bbcodes inside its attributes and wrapped inside another tag using bbcodes inside its attribute)
  • The stop autolinking is now working with the bbcode help page (the full fix has been provided eventhough only the fix for bbcode options should really be needed)

=>to upgrade upload files and import xml file
2012/04/2 version 0.5.1 released
=> Installation problem fixed... Change: 1 caracter
2012/03/27 version 0.5 released
  • Option to fix xen ALIGN bbcodes behaviour (see problem here)
  • Tool for developpers to allow them to parse again code inside the bbcode callback (usefull to play with BBcodes options if those options have tags in them). See below to see how to use this.
  • =>to upgrade upload files and import xml file

Tool for developpers

Here is a function to allow to parse again some code inside the bbcode callback. It's usefull to play with BBcodes options if those options have tags in them. This will only use 1 Database request
for all the page, not matter how many bbcodes call this function.

if (method_exists($parentClass, 'getParser'))
    $parser = $parentClass->getParser();
    $parsedcode  = $parser->render($unparsedcode);
2012/03/26 version 0.4 released
  • the suppression of modified {url} tags in bbcodes options are now disabled by default
  • it can be controled inside the options of this addon (see addon explanations)
  • to upgrade upload files and import xml file
It should be the last update of this hack :)
2012/03/26 version 0.3 released
  • regex fixed
  • code fixed
  • new debug options

  • to upgrade upload files and import xml file
2012/03/24 version 0.2 released
  • disable url auto-linking inside the bbcode options too
  • convert tags used in the bbcode options from [a]...[/a] to {a}...{/a} to avoid display problems and to allow to manipulate them later
  • strip the html tags from the name of BB Codes to avoid errors
  • only display active bbcodes

=>to upgrade just upload files
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