Discord Integration

Discord Integration 2.8.6

No permission to buy ($35.00)

Reviews 4.86 star(s) 29 reviews

NixFifty's Discord Integration is the one I've settled with. I've used them all, and the other plugin's support is either lazy and doesn't care or makes you feel belittled for simple questions.

If you want a great Discord integration plugin for your Xen site I highly suggest this one. There's a few small quality of life edits that I've suggested like adding the user's Discord username automatically in the username field and editing the automatic post to Discord, but other than that it's probably the best one. I've fought for answers with the other Discord Integration plugin developers and NixFifty hasn't ever given me an issue.
Works exactly as it's supposed to, no complaints! Had an issue in the beginning but it after a quick ticket I was able to get it resolved (was something on my end!). Overall, a really great addition to my Forums, I'm happy with it.
This add-on does what we need. Allows us to sync specific user groups to roles in discord.

Nixifty even added a feature upon request to allow us more convenient use of the add-on.

The only improvement I would make is to allow syncing in either direction on a per role basis.
Switched from another addon to this during my 1.x -> 2.x upgrade.

Has a lot more features and my users love the discord alert messages. Nix also fixed a small problem I had with it and updated it with in a day.
Great plugin and really beneficial to our community. We really recommend using this plugin, have been waiting for this!
This is a very good addon a great job was done. The support is also very good and problems are handled with very quickly.
Great resource for XenForo and Discord lovers! Nix has been very responsive in fixing any issues with the new version for 2.0.
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