[cXF] Slovenian Translation for XenForo | Slovenski prevod za XenForo

[cXF] Slovenian Translation for XenForo | Slovenski prevod za XenForo 20221211

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Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.0
  2. 2.1
For more then 1 forum installation please consider a donation on our site.
Visible branding
Yes, but removable with payment
Slovenian translation for XenForo

(user interface) is fully translated. It is possible that you will find a phrase untranslated. Let us know about it.

Back-end (admin panel) is not translated.

A branding removal license can be purchased for €30. Upgrade account with cXF Translations Branding Removal on our site and contact us for instructions.

Distributed for non-commercial use only.

Terms of use:
  • you are allowed to edit phrases
  • you are not allowed to redistribute this translation as your own work in any way, remove or change the copyright notice (unless you buy a branding removal license!)
It's recommended to edit these phrases to suit your needs (Appearance/Phrases):
  • for Cookie Policy edit: help_cookies_description
  • for Terms and Rules edit: terms_rules_text
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Slovenski prevod za XenForo

(uporabniški izgled) je v celoti preveden. Možno je, da je kakšna fraza ostala neprevedena. V kolikor najdete neprevedeno ali neobičajno prevedeno frazo, nam to sporočite.

Back-end (administratorska plošča) ni prevedena.

Značko (besedilo s povezavo na dnu foruma) lahko odstranite za €30. Nadgradite račun s cXF Translations Branding Removal na naši strani in nas kontaktirajte za navodila.

Dovoljeno za nekomercialno uporabo.

Pogoji uporabe:
  • dovoljeno je urejanje in spreminjanje fraz
  • ni dovoljeno reproduciranje prevoda kot vaše delo v kakršnikoli obliki, odstranitev ali sprememba značke (besedilo s povezavo na dnu foruma), razen v primeru, da ste kupili licenco za odstranitev značke
Priporočamo, da uredite naslednje fraze, saj bodo tako najbolje ustrezale vaši spletni strani (Appearance/Phrases):
  • za obvestilo o piškotkih uredite: help_cookies_description
  • za pravila in pogoje uporabe uredite: terms_rules_text
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    updated phrases translations are now free to download from our site ----- posodobljene fraze...
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