Conversation Essentials

Unmaintained Conversation Essentials 1.14.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
What's new:
  • Fixed the Last Post Avatar not showing on the conversation list page.
  • Addressed some RTL (Right to Left) display issues.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
What's new:
  • Updated for XenForo 1.2.0
  • Added hidden code to help identify license holder in the event the add-on is pirated or shared.
  • No longer requires template edits.
  • XenForo 1.2.0 introduced a list of participants in the conversation List page and Inbox pop-up.
    Therefore, there is now a new option to select which view you prefer. You can either use the new 'default' view of usernames, or the 'modified' view this add-on always had which provides the ability to toggle between text and image (avatar) based names. Option name is 'Participants Name View' and is the first one on the options page.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
If you have not yet received the update, please check your email for additional information.
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Reactions: Alien
What's new:
  • Fixed the logging of an incorrect IP when using the auto response feature
  • Small template correction (due to XenForo 1.1.5) in templates 'conversation_list_popup_item' and 'conversation_view'
  • Various code improvements.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder
If you have not yet received the update, please check your email for additional information.
What's new:
  • Changes for compatibility with XenForo 1.1.4
  • Slight code improvements
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip
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Reactions: Mouth
What's new:
  • Fixed an error when installing/upgrading add-ons if TMS is not present.
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Please refer to the ReadMe file
What's new:
  • Added the ability to "like" conversation messages just as you do with thread posts. These likes do not count towards a user's total as there is no accountability due to the private nature of conversations. This feature prevents a whole conversation from being bumped, which would normally cause emails to be sent out to everyone involved.
  • Conversation list Avatars/Usernames toggle now saves your preference.
  • Added ability to limit the 'Last read date' in conversations to be viewable by only Admins or Admins and Mods.
  • Added ability to add title text to links that start a conversation. ({xen:link conversations/add, '', 'to={$user.username}', 'title=Test Title'})
  • Cleaned and improved sections of the code.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the included ReadMe file.
What's new:
  • When sorting conversations by prefix and the result displayed multiple pages, selecting a different page showed all conversations regardless of prefix. This is now fixed.
  • Added a bread crumb link to the conversation list page so one can easily return to the main list after viewing a sorted list.
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the file 'Upload/library/ConvEss/ControllerPublic/Conversation.php' to your server, overwriting the old one.
  2. Upgrade the addon-ConvEss_114.xml
  3. If you do not have TMS installed, then please apply manually one small edit to template conversation_list. Edit information maybe found in the folder Template Edits.
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Reactions: Luxus
What's new:
  • Fixed an error message from showing whenever someone edited a conversation (from within the conversation) and the following was true:
    • That person did not have prefix creation permission
    • The sticky option was not set
  • Fixed a typo in phrase 'convess_alert_kick'
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the file 'Upload/library/ConvEss/ControllerPublic/Conversation.php' to your server, overwriting the old one.
  2. Upload the file 'Upload/library/ConvEss/Model/Conversation.php' to your server, overwriting the old one.
  3. Optional (to correct the phrase and display correct version) - Upgrade the addon-ConvEss_113.xml
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Reactions: Anthony Parsons
What's new:
  • Added the ability to kick a participant from a conversation. There is now a user group permission which allows conversation starters to kick participants from their conversation. The link to do this is located inside the mini avatar of each participant under the 'Conversation Participants' section of the conversation view page. Administrators and Moderators cannot be kicked out of conversations.
  • Ability to invite back those you have kicked out of the conversation. By default XenForo does not allow you to invite members who have left a conversation permanently, but I have changed that for kicked members only (not those who have left on their own accord).
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the folder 'Upload/library/ConvEss/' to your server, overwriting the old one
  2. There are two template edits that need re-doing. If you have TMS installed then please skip this step. Otherwise, open the 'Template Edits' folder and locate the 'conversation_recipients' and 'conversation_invite' text files. In the ACP, overwrite these templates with the ones provided. If the templates were previously modified by another add-on, simply add the commented bold text from the templates provided to your existing modified ones.
  3. Upgrade the addon-ConvEss_112.xml
  4. Navigate to the options page and set the option 'Kick from Conversation Link' as desired. This determines whether the kick link inside the mini avatar should always be visible or hidden until the avatar is hovered. Default value is set to 'Always visible'. You may also decide whether an alert should be sent out to kicked users.
  5. Assign desired user groups the new permission named 'Can kick participants from conversations they started'.
  6. You may change the new 'Kick' and 'Invite' links style via the style property 'Conversation Essentials'.
Thank you.
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Reactions: MrC and Veer
What's new:
  • Individual active Auto Responses will now be sent upon the first reply to an existing conversation.
  • Added an option to have the Participant Groups drop-down menu available when inviting more members to an existing conversation.
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upload the folder 'Upload/library/ConvEss/' to your server, overwriting the old one
  2. There is one template edit that needs doing. If you have TMS installed then please skip this step. Otherwise, open the 'Template Edits' folder and locate the 'conversation_invite' text file. In the ACP, overwrite this template with the one provided. If the template was previously modified by another add-on, simply add the commented bold text from the template provided to your existing modified one.
  3. Upgrade the addon-ConvEss_111.xml
Thank you.
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Reactions: Blackbeard
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