Conversation Essentials

Unmaintained Conversation Essentials 1.14.1

No permission to buy ($45.00)
@Daniel Hood has taken over control of all of @Syndol's premium add ons. This product is now available for purchase again. Prices have been converted from GBP to USD at today's current exchange rate. For more information read this thread. This is not actually a new version.
What's new:
  • Had to revert a function call to work with PHP versions less than 5.5
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Reactions: Sunka
What's new:
  • Converted the prefix colour names from being hard coded to phrases.
  • Fixed an Auto Response bug where user permission has been revoked but active responses were still being used.
  • Added an option to exclude people you follow from receiving the auto response message. This is useful when the auto response is only directed at the general public.
What's new:
  • Added conversation prefix filter indication.
  • Removed or adjusted RTL (right to left) template code due to changes between XF 1.2 and XF 1.3
  • Small code improvements.
What's new:
  • Added an option for those with the Bypass User Privacy permission to bypass the Last Read Date privacy.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the conversation prefix from being removed when editing the title via the 'Edit Conversation' link in the conversation view page.
What's new:
  • Adjusted the code to prevent an error when updating a user while the config listeners are disabled.
  • Also adjusted some files to ensure better compatibility in the event that the core product also introduces conversation message likes.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
What's new:
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the Post Ratings add-on (when installed and active). Since Post Ratings overwrites the default message likes, this upgrade will ensure that your conversation message likes will actually display.
  • Cleaned out some code to prevent a rare error that could occur when viewing, for the first time, an old conversation that was created with ConvEss version 1.0.8 or older (ie before the introduction of the "Last read date" feature).
  • Full inbox alerts are now limited to one alert per sender/receiver per 24 hours. This prevents multiple alerts when a persistent user is determined to get in touch.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
What's new:
  • Adjusted a template modification to work with XenForo 1.2.2
Upgrade Instructions:
  1. Upgrade the addon-ConvEss_123.xml
What's new:
  • Fixed the inbox size display when viewing the Starred or Yours pages.
  • Fixed the prefix search and participant toggle on Starred or Yours pages to remain on those pages.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
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Reactions: planetzu
What's new:
  • Reduced the query count when viewing the conversation list to a maximum of 3 queries.
  • Removed the restriction where Administrators could not kick Moderators out of conversations.
  • Conversation list participant avatars are now more or less responsive.
Upgrade Instructions:
  • Please see the ReadMe file included in the zip folder.
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Reactions: Moshe1010
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