Change Author

Change Author 3.0

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 28 reviews

This add-on was just what I was looking for. Installs fine and works great. Thank you again Andy. You're a blessing to Xenforo.
Wish I found this one when we first started! Very helpful and works perfectly just as advertised. Great job Andy!
Excellent! Without a good knowledge about how to use Xenforo and their add-ons, I could easily make this one working flawlessly. Thanks you!
Awesome. Works like a charm! I posted accidentally my forum with test user and now i get it corrected. Thanks!
This add-on saved my butt! I accidentally perm deleted a thread. I was able to pull it up on google cache, copy/paste the posts, then simply use this add-on to easily change author of the individual posts. Whew! - Thank you!
We have an RSS fed robot that posts news for our forums, but occasionally 'I' will post such threads when I trip across news related to our website. Then I can simply Change Author of the new thread over to our NewsBot. This add-on makes it really simple and fast to do so!
Thank you - I spent more time working out how to try and do this before I discovered the plugin than it took to install and actually use it. Very simple and works perfectly.
Another great addon from Andy!

I've fixed some old threads that were posted by me and changed them to the forum's official user that we now use to announce things, post rules, etc.
Yet another essential addon that should be a standard moderation tool in any big board admin's XF toolbox. And yet another incredibly well done addon from Andy.

this is a realy helpfull addon. I use it after a import with many wrong combinations from user and post. So I can change the user to correct this Import issue now. Great. :)

And to give a litle bit back - a have made a free german translation for this addon:
Installed and works good on XF1.5. This add-on is so handy where you want to draft posts for other members but don't want to actually log in as them (either overtly or covertly) which has privacy implications and can trip multiple account detectors.
what a nice addition to xenforo
Works like a charm.
Excellent for reassigning posts. Elegant and easy to use.
Works great & must be a core!
It does the job! Thank you so much. Easy to change the author too.
nice addon
Excellent update! Now everything works like a charm!

Thank you, Andy.
Awesome !!!
Thank you very much for this update!
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