Admin tools [1.x]

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Tabs controller cclaerhout
Control your XenForo & extra tabs: modify their original position (home, middle, end), etc.
Spam trigger prune config X
Makes the spam log prune duration a little more configurable.
Mass delete users based on spam search criteria
Do stuff to threads, eg. closing based on age, moving based on OP group, and many more
Allows an admin to generate a password reset e-mail
[n] Template Security nanocode
Enhance the security on your site for yourself and for your members.
[8WR] XenUtiles (Spam) Jaxel
Find Spam in Accounts and Profile Posts
NoPass Tan Tran
Per usergroup/user, disable Password Change, Lost Password, Contact Details page
Subscriber Removed Notify X
Alerts when a subscriber is banned or deleted so manual cleanup can be done
This is an add-on allows you to integrate Silverpop
add permission to "Disable Lost Password"
Batch Update Tags Tan Tran
Add the ability to batch tag threads. XenForo 1.5+ Only
[h] Collapse Admin Lists including Nodes Hoffi
Some large Lists can now collapsed inside the ACP, including the Node List
XenTag Importer Tan Tran
Just another importer for TinhTe XenTag. XenForo 1.5 Only
CustomPages by HeadHodge HeadHodge
Includes 'FileTool' to remotely manage server directories and files with Ajax/Json
Button under taigachat anonymousFR
Adds buttons under taigachat
Add-On Timestamper Bloodcinder
Exactly one little feature: add a button to set an add-on's version ID to the current timestamp.
[n] Resend Activation Mail nanocode
Resend activation email for users that have not activated their account yet.
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