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Unmaintained BBCode Nota de XenFacil (XenFacil's BBCode Note) 1.0.0

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I put the add-On so you can use the AddOn Installer (

This release can be upgraded using the Add-On Installer by Chris Deeming
Please consider donating if you find this add-on useful.

BB Code for Notes, Infomations, Warnings and Tips are configurable in ACP -> Options.
[NOTA="Warning"]...[/NOTA] Warnings.
[NOTA="Information"]...[/NOTA] Informations.
[NOTA="Tip"]...[/NOTA] Tips.
[NOTA="Note"]...[/NOTA] Notes.

Do not allow the distribution of any code in this supplement by any route and / or web.
Can be translated into other languages ​​and publish these translations (only phrases!).

View attachment 24345

Donations page: Donations

This version update is in ENGLISH. Spanish version is in Resource Description.

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