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Add 'Post Reply' & 'Post Thread' buttons to the top of thread view pages

Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
This is just a simple template edit that will give your forum 'Post Reply' and 'Post Thread' buttons at the top of thread view pages.
  • Post Reply button will open an overlay where users can reply directly to the thread they're currently viewing.
  • Post Thread button will open an overlay where users can select a forum before creating a...
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Nice touch! I modified a bit - just used the Reply button. Thank you for providing this hint to us.
Wow, awesome and easy to implement mod! It perfectly matches my theme and adds a useful feature. Thanks!
Glad you like it @zoldos :)
Does exactly as mentioned. It's a great feature imo. I believe it adds a function that I feel my forum was lacking.
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