Recent content by ZenFoo

  1. ZenFoo

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak - XF2 [Paid]

    Is it possible to have different node icons per style? Seems the path is fixed, unless I missed it somewhere.
  2. ZenFoo

    Partial fix Prioritize smilies over emoji in "recently used" too

    Glad you solved it, but for some reason I have not had the problem appear recently.
  3. ZenFoo

    XF 2.1 email notifications not working

    Particulars: PHP version 7.3.9 MySQL version 5.7.27 XenForo: 2.1.4 Addons: [SC] Online Status Indicator 2.0.0 [SC] Separate Sticky Threads 2.0.0 [TH] User Improvements 1.3.0 Patch Level 9 [XFA] Core 1.6.0 [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak 3.0.4 Issue: no user receives email when options ticked to get...
  4. ZenFoo

    Partial fix Prioritize smilies over emoji in "recently used" too

    I get the same thing, tis a bug foo sho.
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