Recent content by Zanthor

  1. Zanthor

    CustomImgCaptcha: Spam Combat 2.4.1

    I've set this up and I'm still seeing spammers at the same rate... I've uploaded and configured 4 images... is this a matter of me needing to upload more or ?
  2. Zanthor

    TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam (Free Version) [Deleted]

    Running 1.4.2 forums with the TAC customImgCaptcha and it says I require FoolBotHoneyPot, but FoolBotHoneyPot says I don't need it for v1.4+... is there any way to get this working together?
  3. Zanthor

    More spam than Monty Python

    I run a small, low volume site, and I'm getting more spam signups than actual signups by a factor of 50:1. I've configured Captcha, require email verification, have my stop forum spam key put in. All their posts get caught by the moderation tool, but it's still a huge PITA to manage this...
  4. Zanthor

    Implemented Spam Cleaner from Moderation Queue

    Thanks! I would still suggest moving this to be a LOT more visible... a moderated post is a prime suspect as spam... and to run the cleaner I have to click their name, hover over their profile photo, and then click spam... Move that spam cleaner back to the main page removes 2 steps to do the...
  5. Zanthor

    Implemented Spam Cleaner from Moderation Queue

    I may have something setup wrong, but I don't see that... I've set all 3 'spam cleaner' filters to 0 so it should be available on all users...
  6. Zanthor

    Implemented Spam Cleaner from Moderation Queue

    Is there some reason this option isn't there? Am I missing it?
  7. Zanthor

    XF 1.3 An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

    Yea, my host is 1 and 1 and changing the php version to 5.5 fixed it... 1 and 1 has utterly failed in this regard! Thanks.
  8. Zanthor

    XF 1.3 An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

    Failed to get controller response and reroute to error handler (XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Error::actionErrorNotFound) An exception occurred: Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect arguments to mysqld_stmt_execute in...
  9. Zanthor

    XF 1.3 An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.

    Our site was up and running,, and now it's returning An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. and I've got no idea where to start troubleshooting... help! The database seems to be available, can connect using phpmyadmin without problems.
  10. Zanthor

    sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

    Getting the error 'Selected Item does not exist' when clicking on the thumbnail in the display block for videos... You may have to refresh several times as it's a random Photo/Video strip. Running 2.1.1 on XF 1.3.1.
  11. Zanthor

    Nodes As Tabs

    Make a link node pointed to that thread, and yes.
  12. Zanthor

    [bd] Widget Framework

    hook:ad_forum_view_above_thread_list Found my own answer...
  13. Zanthor

    [bd] Widget Framework

    I have a widget showing on a specific sub forum (Here), however it also shows up viewing the threads and posting new threads. What condition/hook should I be using to stop that behavior? Currently using: hook: page_container_content_title_bar in_array($forum['node_id'], array(7))
  14. Zanthor

    Nodes As Tabs

  15. Zanthor

    sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

    That would totally be my expectations as well.
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