Recent content by Z41N

  1. Z41N

    XF 2.2 A member constantly getting "Oops! We ran into some problems." error

    Had the same issue, resolved by adding the following rule:
  2. Z41N

    XF 2.2 Changing an Icon for a Page Link

    Hey guys, I've been doing this in my extra.less to change the icon: .node.node--id17.node--unread .node-icon i:before{ content: url(./images/technicalSupport.png); background: url(./images/technicalSupport.png); } However, I'm not sure how I can do this for a page that isn't a node - it's...
  3. Z41N

    XF 2.2 Several Questions with Styling

    1) How do I make the custom title to appear more 3D? 2) How do I make space between the custom title and the message user info? Here's what I mean:
  4. Z41N

    [AL] Original Poster Highlight

    Looks like this doesn't work for Xenforo 2.2. Using UI.X 2 theme.
  5. Z41N

    [OzzModz] Original Poster Thread Starter Indicator

    Using UI.X 2 from Themehouse, with Xenforo 2.2 - does not work, despite properly installation. What I did: Upload contents to root Admin CP > add ons > click install Installed Settings are "enabled" on top left of avatar No change
  6. Z41N

    Not a bug Non-numeric value encountered

    @Chris D FYI - they advised that this is because PHP 8.0 isn't supported and that PHP 7.4 would be required. Would you advise that I downgrade to PHP 7.4 or just.. wait?
  7. Z41N

    XF 2.2 Sub-category icons

    Hey everyone! So here's an example forum/thread I have: I was able to easily add the custom icon for the main thread (Suggestions) using extra.less: //Suggestions .node--forum.node--id23.node--read .node-icon i:before{content: url(./images/suggestions.png);}...
  8. Z41N

    Not a bug Non-numeric value encountered

    Thank you, Chris, for the quick reply! I will wait for Themehouse to get back to me and report back to you in case they forgot to mention something.
  9. Z41N

    Not a bug Non-numeric value encountered

    Hey guys, Installed Themehouse's UI.X 2 and it's working great - minus the fact I'm getting literally one thousand warnings per hour. It's flooding my error log and I've already reached out to ThemeHouse, but I'm unsure if they would even have a resolution, so now I'm here. This is what I'm...
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