Recent content by XEMDev

  1. XEMDev

    [XD] Edit Limits [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
  2. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available. The following reason was provided:
  3. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    Hey guys, sorry, had some issues related to covid and wasn't able to get much done for the past few weeks, but I'm back now so I'll be doing some updates to fix the reported issues and should have a release this weekend.
  4. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    XEMDev updated [XD] Conversation Monitor with a new update entry: 1.0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    I think that goes a bit beyond the scope of what this plugin is intended to provide, which is currently just a notification system for certain events occurring. I may consider expanding the scope in the future but for now I don't. In the meantime, other plugins give the ability to view and...
  6. XEMDev

    XemDev - Custom Development Services

    XemDev is a new XF 2 addon site that sells original addons and provides custom development services. Here is the website: There are currently 2 addons available and more are in progress. Please contact me for more details. I accept suggestions for additional features of...
  7. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    Currently, this addon only shows the message that triggered the match. It doesn't give any extra access to the rest of the conversation.
  8. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    XEMDev updated [XD] Conversation Monitor with a new update entry: Version 1.0.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    Good idea, I'll see about adding that this evening.
  10. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    Thank you! Please reach out if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.
  11. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    I've added a couple of screenshots and improved the description on the listing. Let me know if you have any feedback, suggestions or requests.
  12. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    Sure thing, I'm working on getting some screenshots of the admin configuration and the alert posts. Thanks!
  13. XEMDev

    [XD] Conversation Monitor [Deleted]

    XEMDev submitted a new resource: [XD] Conversation Monitor - Adds alerts when a conversation message is sent based on configurable criteria. Read more about this resource...
  14. XEMDev

    [XD] Edit Limits [Deleted]

    XEMDev submitted a new resource: [XD] Edit Limits - This addon allows you to limit the number of edits a user can make within a certain amount of time. Read more about this resource...
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