Recent content by Xelphos

  1. Xelphos

    [bd] Widget Framework

    @xfrocks Is there anyway to get a PHP script to run in a custom HTML widget? I would like to set up a custom one with a list of my current servers and their status (Online/Offline).
  2. Xelphos

    [8WR] Twitch Integration [Paid]

    Does this addon work with 1.4?
  3. Xelphos

    XF 1.4 Username link in visitor tabs.

    I want to change what clicking the username does in the account tab. 1: I want to change "Your profile page" to "Edit your profile". 2: Instead of taking me to edit profile I want it to take me to my profile page when I click on my username. Where would I go todo this? Would I edit a template?
  4. Xelphos

    XF 1.4 Zend Mail Exception! (More Info in Thread.)

    Wow... Thanks for the help.
  5. Xelphos

    XF 1.4 Zend Mail Exception! (More Info in Thread.)

    I have no idea what is going on here. I wasn't the one who installed Zend Mail on the server, so I don't know if there are some issues with the settings or what not, but the forum cannot send email for the following reason: Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to failed...
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