Recent content by x3sphere

  1. x3sphere

    vBulletin 6 has arrived, what do you think about it?

    At first glance I’m not impressed. I was browsing from my phone and the default style seems to lack attention to detail. The dropdown menus, especially on mobile at least (haven't checked on desktop), are kind of ugly. For example: Not sure what's going on with the search button there and the...
  2. x3sphere

    Implemented Fix Web Vitals (CLS, LCP, TTI) to improve SEO and performance.

    You can also check using Lighthouse in Chrome or the PageSpeed tool
  3. x3sphere

    Less Secure Apps being killed off by Google in February - Help?

    Do you have a source for this? I remember reading about them removing the less secure option as a default in Gsuite, but haven't heard they are removing the user option altogether. If they are removing it, that seems problematic for XF since it relies on user/pass to access email. No option to...
  4. x3sphere

    Browser issue xenForo messed up in Safari for Windows.

    Yeah you shouldn't use Safari for Windows. I don't think Apple even provides it as a download anymore. Regardless of the rendering issues, it's also full of security holes.
  5. x3sphere

    XF 2.1 Non-existent usernames show up in suggestions when sending conversation

    Hi, A user recently contacted me asking why he couldn't PM someone when typing their username in the conversations box. Turns out, when the suggestions popped up he was clicking on a user that didn't exist (had a similar name to the actual user he was trying to contact). It seems like the same...
  6. x3sphere

    XF 2.0 reCaptcha v3

    Recaptcha v3 works very well from my testing. Since I use a custom registration page that runs outside of XF I set it up so that anyone with a score of 0.6 or below gets put in a restricted usergroup that needs post approval. So far this approach has blocked all the Chinese spammers that got...
  7. x3sphere

    Fixed Error in console when favicon is present

    Hi, I noticed I am seeing the following error in Chrome's console when browsing my forum: "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported" I've tracked this down to the function faviconDraw in core.js Is it because my favicon...
  8. x3sphere

    Product spotlight: Evolve & XenBase (new styles)

    This looks very slick, nice work! :) Might end up using it in conjunction with a dark mode theme I'm working on for my main site.
  9. x3sphere

    Microsoft is ditching the Edge browser for Windows

    That's what I've done basically, just setup a Hackintosh in a VM rather than on bare metal. It would be nicer if Apple just provided free OS images that were bootable without the need to do that though, like MS does: And yeah I run...
  10. x3sphere

    Microsoft is ditching the Edge browser for Windows

    Yeah I despise Safari. Apple doesn't make it easy to test either if you aren't a Mac user or don't own Mac hardware. I've setup macOS in a VM but it's a pain compared to Windows and not officially supported.
  11. x3sphere

    The Original OG's of Xenforo

    #597 :)
  12. x3sphere

    Fixed Certain fields missing from User response in /auth API request

    Not sure if this is considered a bug, but I was using the new API in XF 2.1 and the User response I get from the /auth endpoint is slightly different from that of /users. Note that I'm also passing an admin user ID in the XF-Api-User header. Is that intended? Certain fields I would expect from...
  13. x3sphere

    Solution for Xenforo forum with 100+ GB of images?

    I use S3+Cloudflare. Costs have been reasonable for me even storing around 150GB of data, however all our images are public and I've configured CF page rules to use 'cache everything'. So most of the time, a visit to the site doesn't even hit S3 since the images are cached on CF. This approach...
  14. x3sphere

    Hello XF, I am coming from vBulletin...

    Welcome! :) I used to use ibProArcade back when I ran vBulletin, great addon.
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