Recent content by WetShaversWorkshop

  1. W

    XF 2.1 Image uploading

    Thanks! I contacted TMDHosting, and they changed the settings within 5 minutes of me starting the ticket. The upload problem is fixed.
  2. W

    XF 2.1 Image uploading

    Thx. So that is working as expected then. Can you tell me where I can increase the limit? I looked under options -> attachments but it prevents me from increasing it above 2048 MB If I can increase that, my problem is solved because bandwidth is not a problem for us (we're only a small forum)
  3. W

    XF 2.1 Image uploading

    If a user uploads an image from his phone, the original has a high resolution and can be large. I have set Maximum attachment image dimensions to 640*640, which resizes the image automatically. Does that mean that the attachment itself is resized, and much smaller in diskspace? Also, has this...
  4. W

    XF 2.1 Upgrade assistance

    Thx. I'll get that sorted then.
  5. W

    XF 2.1 Upgrade assistance

    I notice that I can purchase upgrade support, and have someone from Xenforo perform the upgrade for me for a small fee. Can anybody here tell me more about it? I purchase it, and then I will be contacted by someone from Xenforo, or does it work another way? Just trying to find out what to...
  6. W

    The license for articles

    I was wondering about the license for Resource Manager. Does that enable you to write / add pages to your website and manage / edit them in a convenient manner? Currently it's only a forum and I would like to add some static pages, but the basic install doesn't seem to have any decent...
  7. W

    XF 1.5 Writing articles / pages

    This may be a silly question, but here goes: I am currently running the basic Xenforo board. I would like to add pages in my menu, with things like terms of service, some how to's, a list of external resources, a mission statement, etc. When we started, I added a simple mission statement, using...
  8. W

    XF 1.5 reCAPTCHA not working?

    Recaptcha v2 seems to work fine. I followed the link to google and signed up. Pretty painless.
  9. W

    XF 1.5 reCAPTCHA not working?

    It stopped working for me today as well. 1.5.12 I guess I'm not the only one.
  10. W

    XF 1.5 sidebar users online

    Thank you @DL6 The view members list permission was not set for viewing member lists. It works now. thanks!
  11. W

    XF 1.5 sidebar users online

    Not that i am aware of no. It was a normal install and i did not change it. Is there a way to check that?
  12. W

    XF 1.5 sidebar users online

    The users in my forum have reported that they cannot see the sidebar 'members online now'. I can see it as an administrator, but when I log in as a test user, it is indeed not there. I have looked in the forum options and the admin cp but I cannot seem to find where I can configure this setting...
  13. W

    XF 1.5 Registration mails not arriving

    Interesting. I've configured the SMTP and for now it 'seems' to work, though I'll only know for sure once I'll see more members sign up without issues. Even though I have been a developer and recently a sysadmin for 20 years, I never really got involved with internet things. I always assumed...
  14. W

    XF 1.5 Registration mails not arriving

    Thx. Yes it's one of the umpteen things I need to get around to. This email thing is more important. Ive changed it to the SMTP of my hosting. That seems to be more reliable atm but we'll see. If not, then I'll need to switch to google or amazon. Btw I understand that this is not xenForo's...
  15. W

    XF 1.5 Registration mails not arriving

    TMD says they double checked and it seems the setup is correct and the mail went out. So if it disappears, it's probably marked as spam. Yet the users didn't get it in their spam folder so a server in between must have munched it. They told me to contact xenForo :) The strange thing is that I...
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