Recent content by vwts

  1. vwts

    [cXF] Remove Location, Website and About you field

    Hello! How can I download this update? Sorry, you have been blocked You are unable to access Performance & security by Cloudflare
  2. vwts

    Redis Cache By Xon

    Hi! I updated php8 -> php8.1 with old versions: Redis Cache 2.11.5 аnd Standard Library 1.15.2 Forum cant start, HTTP ERROR 500, admin panel not working... :( Reinstalled back php8, reboot server - not working, same error... I copied new versions of addons by Xon - but I can't install them...
  3. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    After removing the addon: Server error log: Could not get runner for job MaZ\PotentialTagHelper:RebuildPotentialTagWords (unique: setupCollectWords). Skipping. 3 minutes ago src/XF/Job/Manager.php:246 Could not get runner for job MaZ\PotentialTagHelper:RebuildPotentialTagWords (unique...
  4. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    With this value the addon started working. Set value to 2. Addon stopped working again...
  5. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    show VARIABLES like '%max_allowed_packet%'; +--------------------------+------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+------------+ | max_allowed_packet | 4194304 | | slave_max_allowed_packet | 1073741824 | +--------------------------+------------+...
  6. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    Thanks! Tried... Old error (2006). Some ideas: I changed the option: Minimum word length - 3 (was 4) And the position at which the addon stops working has changed! It was 3753, now it's 3089. Therefore, I draw the following conclusion: in the process of work, the addon gets to some wrong...
  7. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    202,000 users from 2004 year. The first version of the addon worked well... Removed the addon and installed again - same error. The other small forum works well, hosted on the same server with the same MySQL settings.
  8. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    2023-01-05T19:01:49.798694Z 11110234 [Note] Aborted connection 11110234 to db: 'xxx' user: 'xxx' host: 'localhost' (Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes) When using other addons, this error does not occur.
  9. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    Installed the new version. There are manual rebuild jobs awaiting completion. Continue running them. Processing… Rebuilding... Potential Threads for Tag (52... 103... 192... 3753) Worked 5 minutes: Error at the same place - 3753 (any wrong tag in the database?) Manually: Rebuild caches ->...
  10. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    Yes. Starting, work 20 seconds and the error again. Large forum (1500000 posts). Dedicated server (32Gb RAM) Another forum (30000 posts), the addon works well (forum on the same server). I don't think the error occurs after a few seconds. After restarting the rebuild, the error occurs after...
  11. vwts

    Thread Tagging Improvements

    Hi! Just FYI: /forum/admin.php?tools/run-job An exception occurred: [XF\Db\Exception] MySQL statement prepare error [2006]: MySQL server has gone away in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php on line 230 XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException() in src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php at line 198...
  12. vwts


    Hi! Is it possible to hide another avatar? With avatar many free spaces... : Without avatar no free spaces. Thanks a lot!
  13. vwts

    [Andrew] Moderator Panel

    @AndrewSimm Thanks for great addon! (y) Is it possible to add to the list Super moderators also an Content moderators? for: /forum/moderatorpanel/moderator-log/ Thank You!
  14. vwts Promo Codes

    Thanks for the promo! Merry Christmas and happy new year!
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