Recent content by Tsugaga

  1. Tsugaga

    Add-on Admin Alert Block [paying]

    Is this too hard for anyone to do, or possibly not possible? An alternate version would be to have a button and when clicked it sends an alert to anyone I list in the options. I want the alert message to read "<Member> <Message>", where Member is the person who clicked it and message is a...
  2. Tsugaga

    Add-on Admin Alert Block [paying]

    BUMP I wouldn't imagine this to be too difficult for someone to make, still waiting for someone to take on this task for me :)
  3. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    Yeah like this pretty much. It's use, difficulty, reason, etc is all irrelevant though. You know how the forum usually is, list of categories, sub categories, and topics? I just want more than one of this. PageA has forumA, PageB has ForumB and so on. The reason I prefer this is because you...
  4. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    Not asking for a whole separate installation, just the ability to have separated forums o.o This should be more of an add-on than anything. I'm not asking for a whole separate site, just... divided forums. Who the heck would pay for another license just to have the option to have multiple forums...
  5. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    I thought what you pay for is like... the entire XF site with each license? I just want extra forums. The forum bit is just topics sorted into categories, I don't see why having extra forums requires a completely separate license.
  6. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    Er well overpriced in that aspect, anything which is the same is imo. I want a site with multiple forums, I feel like paying for a license per forum is overpriced after the first license. I understand if it was a completely separate site but it's just extra forums. One license per forum is just...
  7. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    Um really... XF is very awesome and all but way overpriced imo. Anyway I can do this with multiple licenses?
  8. Tsugaga

    Add-on Casino Add-on Request $100

    I think $100 is more than reasonable. It would most likely be published in the resources section as a paid add-on so the devs time would be worth it.
  9. Tsugaga

    Multi site/forum

    Basically I want to know if it's possible to create one site with multiple sub sites, or if you can have more than one forum. I don't want to do this with categories or anything, I want actual separate forums. I am creating a site for many different things and prefer all these things on 1 mega...
  10. Tsugaga

    Add-on Admin Alert Block [paying]

    I want a sidebar block addon that when clicked it sends an alert to my account, sends an email, and can send a text message. You only need to do the php bit and what not, and include it in the add-on template. For the template just add a div and make it so when the div is clicked it sends the...
  11. Tsugaga

    Post rating variables?

    Ah thanks a lot Luke, I should have just messaged you in the first place xD
  12. Tsugaga

    Post rating variables?

    Oh cool, thanks! Any way to set where I want it? It is automatically put under all the other things defined in the message_user_info template bit i'd like to put it in the spot that I want.
  13. Tsugaga

    Post rating variables?

    I use the post rating add-on. The ratings are created and each one is set as positive, negative, or neutral. This is a bit from the message_user_info template <xen:if is="@messageShowTotalLikes"> <dl class="pairsInline"> <dt>{xen:phrase likes_received}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number...
  14. Tsugaga

    Post rating variables?

    No it says he needs an active licence. XenForo - Error You must have at least one up-to-date license to access this page. Edit: He renewed his licence and associated me with his account. The link provided by Jake doesn't work though because I haven't purchased the licence. How do I verify...
  15. Tsugaga

    Post rating variables?

    Eh he said he has to renew his licence. The question I am asking is about the rating system, which is an add-on, and he could have only downloaded it if he was premium so...
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