Recent content by TrevC2

  1. TrevC2

    Live Content [Paid]

    Is an update for 2.3 planned?
  2. TrevC2

    Duplicate Error while uploading attachments on 2.3 Beta 8

    Thanks, that did the trick.
  3. TrevC2

    Duplicate Error while uploading attachments on 2.3 Beta 8

    It didn't seem to resolve the issue here. Thanks Jeremy (y)
  4. TrevC2

    Duplicate Error while uploading attachments on 2.3 Beta 8

    Yeah, just confirming the same behavior. Can't upload JPEG attachments anywhere. Is there any quick fix for this or best to wait for beta 9?
  5. TrevC2

    Duplicate Error while uploading attachments on 2.3 Beta 8

    Just a heads up: seems to happen everywhere, not specific to resource manager. Uploading the exif-reader.js from that thread didn't seem to resolve it. TypeError: XF\Data\Exif::getExifTagName(): Argument #1 ($tagId) must be of type int, string given, called in...
  6. TrevC2

    XenCentral Multisite System 2 [Paid]

    Can we start testing this with 2.3 betas? I'd like to renew my Multisite license, but would like to know the status and what releases are available before doing so. Thanks.
  7. TrevC2

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    Is this dead? Last update a year ago.
  8. TrevC2

    [WMTech] Exif Location Data Remover [Paid]

    Trying to purchase addons, but your forum email confirmations aren't getting through to register on your site. Username is "trevc". Thanks.
  9. TrevC2

    Use semantic paragraph <p> tags in post content instead of line breaks <br> (Accessibility, Semantics, Bug Fixing, Styling, SEO?)

    Nearly 2023 and Xenforo still blasting out<br>'s (n) This doesn't even look right (because it isn't). Come on, please fix this.
  10. TrevC2

    XF 2.2 What's the easiest way to make $nodeTree available from PAGE_CONTAINER?

    Thanks, but I'm looking for it to be available on all pages. Right now I'm using navTree to accomplish the same thing, except the entire forum structure is wrapped in a category container to make it possible.
  11. TrevC2

    XF 2.2 What's the easiest way to make $nodeTree available from PAGE_CONTAINER?

    Am I missing an obvious way to make $nodeTree accessible from the page container? I have a hacky solution involving $navTree to list nodes/forums contained under one category, but it feels like this should be easier. I'm just trying to build a nav menu that contains a list of all forums and...
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