Recent content by Trained Monkey

  1. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    I don't think it's smart to show people links they can't effectively use so I'll pass for now, it's not worth paying for but I may have a go in the future at working this all out properly.
  2. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    Ah. That explains that then. Damn, without that being available that pretty much puts an end to my mission doesn't it? And yes to be clear it is the "post" template I'm editing as I wanted it next to "report".
  3. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    This is what I have conjured up, as it seems the username isn't required for the ignore links to works, just userid (standard format is username.userid in the URL). But this doesn't show anything? <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$post.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">...
  4. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    I can get $post_userid (id of poster) and $visitor_userid (my id) and check if logged in, but not sure who to get the $post_user (or whatever) for the post username. I thought with that combination I would be able to make it work, no luck so far but still plugging away and will share if I crack it.
  5. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    It's what to add in that I'm wondering.
  6. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 "Ignore user" under post, next to "report"

    Is this something that's possible? I'd like to have a duplicate "ignore user" alongside the "report" button below posts. Not sure how to do it or if it's possible?
  7. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.4 Conditional for new posts in a particular category or forum

    Came here looking to do the same thing. I can't find a mod either for all the searching I've done. Is there such a thing "new posts in forum/category" for XenForo?
  8. Trained Monkey

    Managing a multi-topic / multi-subject forum and "keeping it together"?

    Thanks @DaveM that helps illustrate it. I don't think the mod is particularly well described perhaps? On our forum most people come to the forum and hit "new posts". How does the groups add-on affect this behaviour? Would adding it require me to "to anything" to the current forum nodes and...
  9. Trained Monkey

    Managing a multi-topic / multi-subject forum and "keeping it together"?

    So far all I've managed to do is to offer an option to ignore forums. Off-topic is an easy one to just exclude, on a previous (big) vBulletin you had to opt-in to off-topic as it just got so busy and noisy it was putting people off. With the way things are shaping up I can see people leaving...
  10. Trained Monkey

    Managing a multi-topic / multi-subject forum and "keeping it together"?

    I'm sure I'm not alone in being responsible for a forum that caters for more than one topic or subject. I thought I'd see if could get some tips and advice (and maybe share some if I can offer any) on how to "keep it together" within a community that attracts people with quite unique interests...
  11. Trained Monkey

    What email provider will cover my board?

    As a person happy with SES, what's the advantage(s) of Mandrill?
  12. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.3 New Posts in One Node Only

    Did you get anywhere with this @SatGuyScott as I was looking for the very same functionality and can't see a way to make it work?
  13. Trained Monkey

    XF 1.1 Sort custom profile dropdown alphabetically

    Did anyone do this? Because not sorting this list alpha-numerically makes it quite confusing if you ever need to add options (as I've just had to do) after the initial list is made.
  14. Trained Monkey

    Why do you use Amazon SES?

    I've just set up Amazon SES on as I was using Google to send but finally broke their sends-per-day limit. I'd rather my web server didn't handle emails in part because of the strain (and time setting it up) and in part because I'd worry about being blacklisted if someone...
  15. Trained Monkey

    [8WR] XenAtendo (Events)

    Brilliant, missed that completely. :D
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