Recent content by Tony L

  1. Tony L

    The Large XenForo Forums List 2,108,901 vBulletin
  2. Tony L

    XF 1.5 Privacy Policy force acceptance issue!

    Thanks, I’ve done that. Might be worth XF pointing out it gets stuck in a loop if you try to link to an existing thread!
  3. Tony L

    XF 1.5 Privacy Policy force acceptance issue!

    I’ve just used the force acceptance of the privacy policy option in 1.5.20a and I suspect I’ve hit a bug/potential pitfall. My Privacy Policy is a thread on the site, this URL is set in the Options/Basic Board Information and works via the link at the bottom or via ‘Help’. Users are being...
  4. Tony L

    XF 1.5 How do I get a ‘Privacy Policy’ link in the footer?

    Thanks for that, much appreciated. Now to work out where the link colour is!
  5. Tony L

    XF 1.5 How do I get a ‘Privacy Policy’ link in the footer?

    I installed 1.5.20a yesterday and have set the new options in Basic Board Information in Options to point to my Privacy Policy, Terms and rules etc (each being a thread on my site). They are now accessible from the ‘Help’ link in the footer (i.e. the URL is correct), but I’m not getting specific...
  6. Tony L

    GDPR discussion thread

    Does unchecking the ‘Recieve site mailings’ default impact the registration confirmation email? If not I’m happy to turn all this stuff off by default and let users opt into whatever they want (I never send bulk email of any description). PS My main fear here is the ‘right to vanish thing’ and...
  7. Tony L

    My experience with XF1 paid resources (Add Yours)

    A big positive vote for Slavik who managed the migration of my site from vBulletin 3.8.11 to XF 1.5. All went pretty smoothly given it is a large forum and any issues ironed out very effectively. I’d certainly use him again. A huge negative vote for the company I now find is actually blocked by...
  8. Tony L

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak [Paid]

    I've never used the developer console before so I may have missed something, but there is one error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found): /forum/styles/xfa/nodesicontweak/config.json The above named file does not exist in the zip file I downloaded...
  9. Tony L

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak [Paid]

    Just tried it in Google Chrome now, no difference. Same empty icon dialogue.
  10. Tony L

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak [Paid]

    Yes, definitely all there in forum/styles/xfa and all your folders within, plus all the other ones in the other locations. I'm very confident it is up on the server right, it is only XenForo I'm learning! What should I be looking for in the browser? I'm running Safari on a Mac if that is...
  11. Tony L

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak [Paid]

    Hi Clément, thanks for responding. I enclose a screenshot of the lack of Font Awesome icons. I've just double checked the folder structure and all the XFA folders are where they should be including the Font Awesome folder. I got no errors or anything running the add-on script and this aside it...
  12. Tony L

    [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak [Paid]

    Just bought this and installed it. Is there a proper manual anywhere explaining how to use it? It took me ages, and I mean about an hour and a half, to track down the interface to the node tree, and now I’ve found it I can’t see any Font Awesome icons even though these seem part of the package...
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