Recent content by TomXF

  1. T

    [bd] API

    Thank you for prompt reply. It helped, created client and all required API modules have been found in WP. However, connecting an Admin account returns 401 header and an XF page ‘invalid client’. Could be because I haven’t updated the WP XenForo API Consumer (current version 1.3.0b), will do...
  2. T

    [bd] API

    Hi folks, Can anyone point me to documentation for [bd]API 2.1, which I can't seem to find? I can install the add on (and the WP consumer plugin too), see the add-on and can set the options, but where do I create the clients and keys/secrets so I can connect to WP? Thank you!
  3. T

    XF 2.1 Need a guide for php callback widget

    Thank you. Basically, there is no resource.
  4. T

    XF 2.1 Need a guide for php callback widget

    How to create a widget? Is creating an HTML widget in admin panel the only way? How to connect it to a template? How to connect external data (i.e., or from a file, or externa Database)? Thank you.
  5. T

    XF 2.1 Need a guide for php callback widget

    Bumping this. Would love pointers on widget creation.
  6. T

    XF 1.5 Image Proxy problem with dropbox

    Thanks, will check it out!
  7. T

    XF 1.5 Image Proxy problem with dropbox

    Follow up question. For Instagram photos. Using the URL doesn't work, is the only way to get the photo URL from the source code? Thanks!
  8. T

    XF 1.5 Image Proxy problem with dropbox

    Now I do :) ;) :oops: Somebody mentioned it in another thread, so I downloaded the latest version, installed and tested it a few minutes ago, now it works just fine! Thanks!
  9. T

    XF 1.5 Image Proxy problem with dropbox

    Hi all, After activating the image proxy, dropbox images don’t display, just the red cross to say it’s not there. I looked here and other people have solved it with changing the ?dl=0 part to ?dl=1 but it didn’t help on our site. Test URL:
  10. T

    XF 1.5 Search with '/' part of the text

    Thank you for the swift reply. Have tried with "80/20" but gives the same result as without quotes. 80*20 returns a result, but not the right posts. Thanks
  11. T

    XF 1.5 Search with '/' part of the text

    Hi all, One thing people search for on our forum is 80/20 (or 80 / 20) which doesn’t give a result because it seen as two 2 charter words: ‘The search could not be completed because the search keywords were too short, too long, or too common.’ Then I tried here, on the XF forum, and it works...
  12. T

    XF 1.5 Problem with Quote | Reply function when highlighting text on iPhone / iPad

    When on my mobile, I can't use the XF highlight-and-add-to-quoted-text because the iOS copy/paste gets there first. Same thing happens on iPad, except the select tool goes right up to the top left corner selecting whatever is there, instead of the text I try to select. I tried on a Lumia phone...
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