Recent content by tihasz

  1. T

    XF 1.5 Change default registration group

    Hi, I know this isn't the right way to do it, but we are running the forum already for +1 year and have a lot of users. So the default group currently is Registered, do I need to change that in a piece of code because I don't see a setting for it (if yes, where would be good to know). We...
  2. T

    XF 1.5 Internal Server error - Images in post

    Hi, we are getting a internal server error, a generic apache error, nothing in XenForo. A user trys to post a long post with around 10 images, when he trys to post it the error appears, if he removes the images from the post, he can post it. Not sure why images could cause such behavior? Any...
  3. T

    XF 1.5 Googlebot authorization permission

    Hi, I received an email from my google search console: Googlebot for smartphones found an increase in authorization permission errors on: I have a part of the forum which is for logged in users only, which explains the authorization permissions thing. I am just wondering If I...
  4. T

    XF 1.5 User Not Found (Lifting ban)

    Hi @Brogan I will ask them. The thing is , their offline till monday, and we want to get the forum working. I just want to lift the ban status from those users. I read on some thread about similar issue to do this: "I'd guess you could set user.is_banned to 0 for all users if you wanted to...
  5. T

    XF 1.5 User Not Found (Lifting ban)

    Hi guys we finally discontinued with amember and run the forum solo. We noticed now that we have around 400 users who are unregistered/unconfirmed primary group and have a ban. I can change their primary group to registered and edit the profile, but when I try to unbann them i get a error...
  6. T

    XF 1.5 Email Styling?

    Hi is there a way to style emails, if no, where are the email code templates located? thx
  7. T

    XF 1.5 Email for generic Errors

    Hmm, thx for the quick reply. I will let my server guy know and see if he can change that. BTW this message appeared for a user who tried to post a very long thread (a lot of text + he had more then 5 videos embed). I think I removed any limitations on post length ,but it still wont let him...
  8. T

    XF 1.5 Email for generic Errors

    Hi, it seems that i can't find the setting for changing the email which is displayed in a error message (see screenshot). The doesn't even exist, not sure why it is there. Tx
  9. T

    XF 1.5 WP Security causing trouble with XF Cookie?

    Hey Chris, I forgot to mention that we use a Amember + XenForo integration. The guys at Amember checked the issue and said: "From these screenshots I see that xenforo removes xf_user cookie for some reason. Also the strange thing is that cookie is different for the same user sometimes and...
  10. T

    XF 1.5 WP Security causing trouble with XF Cookie?

    I disabled this morning the All In One Wp Security plugin for a few hours, and the Log Out still occurred. Damn. I am probably gonna take your advice and move everything to https and www, but its a big site so I need to do it carefully and over the weekend. One thing which i noticed is that...
  11. T

    XF 1.5 WP Security causing trouble with XF Cookie?

    I am 99% sure that's not the issue, because: 1. The site works for Months on this setup, nothing changed on the forum, server etc. (only recent change the WP Security plugin) 2. I always open the same https www url, so Its not like I use different ones and It logs me out while I visit them...
  12. T

    XF 1.5 WP Security causing trouble with XF Cookie?

    Hmm I think that's not it, as the forum works on this setup for months (the only new thing was Wp Security which was installed shortly before those things appeared to happen). The Board is on https, also while visiting https, www, without etc, the user stays logged in. I got a feeling...
  13. T

    XF 1.5 WP Security causing trouble with XF Cookie?

    Hi, I noticed a strange behavior on our Forum. The user gets logged out after a few hours (2-3h). When I log in , i see the xf_user cookie in the Developer console, and the Expiration date is set for 2 months from that moment. The user Is logged in for 2-3 and then suddenly when he revists...
  14. T

    XF 1.4 Suddenly auto log out

    Is there a way I could code that in, so that I set for every user the "Stay logged In" ?
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