Recent content by TigerXtrm

  1. T

    XF 1.5 Upgrade without active license

    I just noticed that my license is about to expire (september 16th), so I've downloaded Xenforo 1.5 while I still can and plan to upgrade my site later this week. Will I run into problems if I try to upgrade my forum to 1.5 when my license is expired?
  2. T

    Add-on Prevent Duplicate Attachments

    Bump. Any add-on developers willing to take this on for a decent price? Who-ever develops the add-on is free to sell it as his own after it is done as far as I'm concerned.
  3. T

    [SchmitzIT] XenForo MediaWiki Bridge

    So what is the last combination of versions of Xenforo and MediaWiki that is confirmed to be working?
  4. T

    Add-on Prevent Duplicate Attachments

    I've been looking around but haven't been able to find anything so here goes. I'm in need for an add-on that can check attachments to a post and make sure they don't already exist in the database. If it does already exist it needs to give an error before the message is posted and the duplicate...
  5. T

    Duplicate Daily/Weekly Notification Mails

    I can't find the original suggestion anywhere either. Weird. I really hope it makes it into 1.2 :o
  6. T

    Duplicate Daily/Weekly Notification Mails

    I've already suggested this a few times before since I think this is really basic functionality that NEEDS to be in 1.2. On a busy forum the instant e-mails simply don't work. Your mailbox is flooded with messages if you have it on by default. Please give us an option to receive a daily or...
  7. T

    Add-on Daily/Weekly Subscribed Thread Mail Digest [Paid]

    This is something I really need for my community to function properly. The current system where you get an instant mail for every thread you are watching is borderline useless and very annoying to my users. I'm hoping it gets some love in 1.2 but so far I haven't been able to confirm this made...
  8. T

    Thread Subscription Daily

    Any word on this being implemented in 1.2? I've searched around but couldn't find it. I really need this as a basic feature on my forum.
  9. T

    Thread Subscription Daily

    Right now when a user is subscribed to a thread they get a seperate e-mail for every single thread. Even on a small forum this can get anoying insanely quickly when your inbox is being flooded with messages. Is there a plugin or some what to send people a digest of their subscribed topics once...
  10. T

    Including PHP in Footer

    I have a very simple PHP include that I want to place in the footer template but apparently PHP is not parsed in template files. What would be the easiest way to include a PHP file in the footer of my pages?
  11. T

    Credits [Deleted]

    Did some more checking on the credits resetting. It seems that when I modify a user from the admin panel the credits reset to 0. Might want to look into that.
  12. T

    Credits [Deleted]

    It has happened twice now that the credit for my admin account seems to have been reset to 0. I'm not sure why it does this or what triggers it. Is this a known issue?
  13. T

    XF 1.1 Auto Soft-Delete Topics

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a way to auto soft-delete topics in certain subforums after x days. I think the easiest way to do this would be to use a daily Cron Entry but I have no idea how to create one that does what I want it to do. Anyone able to provide me some assistance? Thanks!
  14. T

    XF 1.1 URL Rewrite Broken

    Well now I feel like an idiot. Thanks, lol.
  15. T

    XF 1.1 URL Rewrite Broken

    Whenever I create a Redirect link node or create a banner in my ad management add-on, the resulting URL is all messed up. Instead of directly going to the URL specified, Xenforo turns the URL into something like this: While it obviously should just go...
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