Recent content by Thorwal

  1. Thorwal

    VaultWiki Lite [Deleted]

    I got an Error when i tried to run the Install Script Fatal error: Class 'vw_Hard_Core' not found in /homepages/42/d506544751/htdocs/basar/forum/library/vw/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Wiki.php on line 65
  2. Thorwal

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

    Quick question. And excuse the bad English. How does it work with the templates? I can create, but how do I use then in the pages?
  3. Thorwal

    [8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

    I need your help. I want to use on the portal page a new <DIV>. Between <div class="pageWidth"> and <div class="pageContent">. But that should only appear on the portal page. Is that even possible? And if so, which template file should I edit?
  4. Thorwal

    Custom Node Icon (icon for Category)

    A really great addon. Unfortunately it does not work for Link Forums or Social Groups from Waindigo. Can this be changed?
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