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    Donations and User Icon Idenifier

    We have no income for our forum at the moment, so will shortly be giving our users the opportunity of making a donation. A number of our regular visitors have suggested we do this and have offered to contribute. So, the best way to go about doing it? I'm guessing PayPal would be the best way...

    MG 2.2 Reassigning Media Items

    Yesterday I uploaded a number of media items on behalf of someone who hadn't joined the forum. Today they joined, and I'd really like to reassign the photos to their newly created account, and I can't find a way of doing this. Possible, or do I need a third-party add-on?

    XF 2.2 Additional 'New posts' button

    Some of our threads are quite long, and a few people have asked if we can have a 'New posts' button at the bottom of each page to save the scrolling back to the to the top of the page. Is anyone able to advise me how would I go about doing this?

    XF 2.2 Download Button

    On a standard installation of XenForo, where can I find the Download button image?
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