Recent content by Theo Smit

  1. T

    XF 2.2 Getting 'oops! we ran into some problems' with a 409 error

    Chris, thanks for the pointers. I may have to do this, since answers I got from Verio so far are not very satisfying. One thing that I did figure out, is that there is no problem if I right-click the Register button (or the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the main forum page) and select...
  2. T

    XF 2.2 Getting 'oops! we ran into some problems' with a 409 error

    Yes, it says and then the next line is:
  3. T

    XF 2.2 Getting 'oops! we ran into some problems' with a 409 error

    This occurs when trying to register or to use the contact form. The Javascript console gives the following: PHP: <script>document.cookie = "humans_21909=1"; document.location.reload(true)</script> Some Googling around this problem (including the cookie name) reveals that some hosts automatically...
  4. T

    XF 2.2 Redirects from vBulletin

    Thanks Mike, it took me a while to figure out what the issue was, but I have what appears to be a fix. The problem was that the .htaccess rules could not distinguish between external-host direct accesses to VB_forum/index.php, and the accesses that the rewrite rule in the .htaccess file was...
  5. T

    XF 2.2 Redirects from vBulletin

    Hi all, I installed the "Redirects for vBulletin 1.1.7" and it looks like things are good so far as Google search hits are concerned. But if someone navigates directly to the old URL (, or if they click on a link that directly hits the VB_forum index.php page...
  6. T

    XF 2.2 importing vBulletin 3.8 albums - update: getting Fatal Error: Out of Memory

    Fatal Error: Out of memory (allocated 195035136) (tried to allocate 966656 bytes) What do I do about this? Google shows me this is not a new issue (at least not for older versions of XF). Sorry for not posting the whole message from the server error log. It reads ErrorException: Fatal Error...
  7. T

    XF 2.2 importing vBulletin 3.8 albums - update: getting Fatal Error: Out of Memory

    I got our forum converted from vB 3.8.8 to the current XF installation a couple of days ago. Yesterday I installed the media gallery add-on and would now like to get any albums that the vB users may have had extracted from the vB database and ported over to XF albums. What are the steps required...
  8. T

    XF 2.2 New installation, conversion from vb 3.8.8 interrupted, now forum is hung (update: Recovered, now continuing with convert)

    I managed to recover by going to [my_forum_url]/install, logging in using my admin credentials (which had been transferred from the old DB to the new), and rebuilding the master table. From there, it appears the DB server timed out or something. Lots of failed queries in the log. Now I'm...
  9. T

    XF 2.2 New installation, conversion from vb 3.8.8 interrupted, now forum is hung (update: Recovered, now continuing with convert)

    Hi everyone, just downloaded and installed XenForo 2.2. I was in the process of importing a vB 3.8.8 database, when it quit, and now all I get when I browse to the XF forum URL is "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." Help!
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