Recent content by TheMainStreamer

  1. T

    XF 2.0 How can I change the checkbox design?

    Hey guys! Sound like a dump question, but I can't find the right file, where I can change the design of a checkbox... I don't want to change the style I want to change the structure... For example: I want to change this checkbox button: (preferences --> xf:checkbox) Into a Button like that...
  2. T

    XF 2.0 Save the Input from a custom display Location

    @S Thomas thank you very much! Just a small question: If I want to add this "function" to my addon how would it look like? I've tried to create a new folder path in my addon: DisplayLocation\XF\Pub\Controller and created a file called Account.php. <?php namespace...
  3. T

    XF 2.0 Save the Input from a custom display Location

    Is there any way to explain my problem better that someone can help me with my problem?
  4. T

    XF 2.0 Save the Input from a custom display Location

    Hello, that's a repost because @S Thomas said that my first post is simply to long to understand my problem. Since the last week I'm trying to add a new display location for some input fields in the account settings location. I want to add for example a new location for a first name. Everything...
  5. T

    XF 2.0 How can I save the input which was written into a custom display location?

    #push @DL6 can you probably help me with that save process / what did I forgot? You already helped me sometime ago with something like that.. - Justus
  6. T

    XF 2.0 How can I save the input which was written into a custom display location?

    #push still no idea how I extend the save process for a display location.
  7. T

    XF 2.0 How can I save the input which was written into a custom display location?

    Does anoynone have a idea what I've forgot? / What I can do to get the save process?
  8. T

    Image Optimizer for XF 2.0 [Paid]

    Does this addon auto optimize images on upload too?
  9. T

    [TH] Covers [Deleted]

    Hello, I bought the add-on just at the moment and I've already a small suggestion. It would be nice if the admins are able to select a minimum / maximum image size (not file size). The real size which the images have. (400px x 400px or something like this) (Differently for each display type -...
  10. T

    XF 2.0 How can I save the input which was written into a custom display location?

    Hello xenforo community! Wasn't here for a long time but because I've got summer holidays I'm finally able to work on my forum style again.. Problem: I've created a new Display Location for a custom user field (settings in my example). Into this display location I've tried to add a new input...
  11. T

    XF 2.0 Create a custom Nodes field (How to get the new field in database?)

    That seems to be the right way! Already thought about that but didn't found the function... :) Thanks! Can you give me a little hint what I have to add there? (Thought about something like the code in the tutorial but it didn't worked... :)
  12. T

    XF 2.0 Create a custom Nodes field (How to get the new field in database?)

    Firstly I've tried to make it with the tutorial so create a addon but i didn't got it working, because of that I've eddited the core files like i described in #1 . Nearly everything works (Connection to the database ...) the only Problem is that I can't save it throught the xenforo interface...
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