Recent content by themago

  1. themago

    XF 2.2 Allow moderators to change User state from Rejected to Valid

    Is it possible to set a moderator permission to allow updating a user's state from Rejected to Valid?
  2. themago

    XF 2.2 Possible to batch revert post history?

    Is it possible to automatically restore post history of all threads? Example all threads with existing post history, to batch revert all of them to their original version I don't think there's an option or addon for this, but would a developer be able to execute a mysql command to achieve this...
  3. themago

    XF 2.2 Rejected users forum or contact

    Too many other random emails go through that form, so I was hoping to seperate incorrectly rejected users with a different method
  4. themago

    XF 2.2 Rejected users forum or contact

    Is there a way to allow rejected users access to a single forum or to allow them to send direct messages to admins, so that legit users that were rejected can show that they aren't bots
  5. themago

    [OzzModz] Adult Content Filter [Paid]

    I'd like to suggest the ability to lower / increase the amount of blur
  6. themago

    Group membership moderators

    Um, so what's the fix?
  7. themago

    XF 2.2 Members online and newest members widget not showing

    Members online and newest members widgets are quite definitely default xenforo widgets, not addons.
  8. themago

    XF 2.2 Members online and newest members widget not showing

    These two widgets (and maybe others) only show for logged out users, even though there are no display conditions set
  9. themago

    [OzzModz] Post Comments

    I'd like to be able to enable comments but not replies, so that certain usergroups can only comment, but not reply normally to threads, only comment. At the moment it doesn't seem possible
  10. themago

    Add-on Rate thread not working

    I'd like to have an add-on created that allows users to rate threads with two or more options, such as working, not working, etc Under the first post's thread content, there is an indicator of each rating (all time plus past 30 days) Needs the typical options, what nodes to apply to, what...
  11. themago

    XF 2.1 Spam Clean option doesn't show up on some users.

    What a stupid, frustrating feature, what is the point of removing the possibility to spam clean someone? What am I missing here? Until you learn that you need to increase the criteria to simply use this option, it's extremely frustrating. I can't figure out any use for this other than to confuse...
  12. themago

    [OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid]

    Possible to add tags as a question in the form for the report thread?
  13. themago

    XF 2.2 Are connected account registrations always approved?

    By default, can people that register by connected accounts, Google, Yahoo, etc still go into the approval queue or are they always passed? Example, user tries registering with his email address that's Gmail, he goes into approval queue and is pending or rejected. Later he registers by Google -...
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